To add a book to CodexMap, either search the Amazon catalog, or manually enter ISBN/Title/Author data. To search Amazon, simply type into the text box below. As you type, we'll fill in matches from Amazon. Select one from the list, and an "Add this Book" button will appear - select it and you'll be taken to that book's new page. To add a book manually, simply enter the ISBN (the 10-digit kind), and optionally the author and title, and hit "Add Book Manually". If your book is in Amazon's catalog, we'll figure out the author and title data - otherwise you'll also need to fill those in.
Once your book is added, you can use the Locations text box to enter locations for the book. As you type in locations, the system will give you locations that are matching what you type. Select your entry from the list and hit "Save", and your book will be tagged with a location. See the help page for more instructions.
You can also use this "bookmarklet" on an bookpage, and it will add the book to CodexMap, and then take you to that book's page. On most browsers you can just drag this link to your toolbar and use it as a bookmark.
Add to CodexMap
If you'd like to add ISBNs via a REST-style API, you can do that by invoking a URL of the following form:, where xxxxxxxxxx is your favorite ISBN.
For example, invoking would add The Greek Islands by Lawrence Durrell. Note that only one copy of a book can be added to our database; if you try to add an existing book, you'll simply be redirected to the existing book's page. Also note that if your book is not in Amazon's catalog, (for the moment), the API will not add the book.